Parking space 24 m² in Roses (Centre) at 300 metres from the sea

Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center Reserved -Double parking - Roses center
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Reserved -Double parking - Roses center

Double basement parking in the center of Roses (300m from the beach, 700m from the port and 900m from the swimming pool). Each place is 12m2, the basement is accessible by car through an electric gate.

Size: 5.65m x 4.25m

Annual fees:
Property tax: 202€ ; Communty tax: 360€
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30.000 €
Roses (area of Centre)
24 m²
Reference: /5341
last update: 17-07-2024
Date of registration: 03-07-2024
Esta propìedad está legalmente exenta de disponer de certificación energética.
Código exención c.e.: 1

General information

Distance from the sea: 300 m
Orientation: South
Surface area: 24 m²
Condition of the property: Second-hand
Preservation: Good


0 w.c


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